Stay Loyal to Yourself


 I’m loyal. To a fault.

I will love you on your worst days.

I will stay through the hardest.

I will forgive, and do my best to attempt to forget.

When I say I’m in, I mean it.
I’m here to the end;
With family, friendships and relationships.
Now, I’m learning to treat myself
As someone I love,
To treat myself how I treat them.
I need to be loyal to myself.
I need to be a priority to myself.
I need to love myself on the worst day, and not give up through the hardest.
I want to be my own best friend,
I want to be confident in everything I am, and everything I’m not.
I am the key to my own happiness.
No one else, but me.

I Need More

I need more than you have to give…

Never feel bad about asking for what you want in a relationship. If you feel like you need more than what you’re getting, ASK for it. If he can’t give it, then maybe it’s time to walk away. Never let him tell you you’re being unreasonable about things you need. Stop expecting him to just know what it is you need out of the relationship.

Maybe you need a lot of attention, or you need more space. Maybe you need him to talk about his feelings more, or show affection better. Some girls need to hear they’re loved/beautiful every day. We all communicate love differently and need it reciprocated in a specific way. The only way he’ll know is if you tell him! Don’t be scared. The worst that can happen is you walk away and find someone better suited to your needs. The best thing could be your relationship drastically improving.

Sometimes love isn’t enough. Maybe he’s a nice guy, maybe he does everything he’s supposed to. But if you’re not happy, if you’re not satisfied completely, it won’t be enough to last.

You could be dating someone who is perfect on paper and you could really love him and want it to work. But there’s something that feels off. Maybe things are moving too slow, he doesn’t ever touch you in a way to show affection that isn’t sexual, or he goes out a little too much? Maybe he’s too clingy, and doesn’t like to go to bars and you do. It could be that you’re adventurous and he won’t get off the couch. If he is not mentally AND emotionally stimulating you, there’s problems that need to be addressed.

Some couples are content being each other’s entire worlds. Some couples like to have their independence while coming home to each other every night. There are ones who have to constantly touch, some who are just happy being near each other. Find someone who can show you love the way you need to feel it and that’s all that matters. You’ll never get it if you don’t ask for it.